Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Never Wanna Be On The Road Again - Saving Roadie...

August 2010:  Rescued this little pup from the middle of the road on a hot day in mid August. My husband scooped him up out of the way, as he was staggering into the path of oncoming traffic.  No one seemed to know where he came from. None of our neighbors claimed him. We decided he must have been abandoned by someone who could no longer care for him.  Poor little thing passed out a couple of times.  He was weak, dehydrated, and weighed only 3.5 lbs!

After a day or two pampering and feeding, his strength began to return.  He was a little dirty and smelly, so we bathed him and wrapped him up in a towel until he was warm and dry again.  He took a long nap afterward to recuperate from his ordeal.  We decided to name him "Roadie" since he was found in the middle of the road!