Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Leaf Me Alone...

We have had a few nice days this month, which were thoroughly enjoyed by our ridgeless Rhodesian, Roadie.  He had a blast romping in the piles of raked-up leaves. Finally, he settled in and found a good sized stick to chomp on.  He wasn't too happy when I tried to get close with the camera though.

Roadie did get a good report during his appointment with the veterinarian this month, weighing in at 72 pounds!  What a journey he has been on since we first adopted him as a pup last summer, weighing just under 4 pounds!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

And Another Snow Day!?!

Roadie enjoying his third snow day of the year... By mid February, we had gotten four snows with accumulation, a little more than our usual winter here!  Brrrr!

Roadie gets another snow day!  February 05, 2011.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Roadie's First Snow Day! Happy New Year!

Happy 2011!  The new year has already brought a new experience for Roadie.  His first snow day...

Roadie's first snow day, January 2011.
 Roadie had a blast exploring and bouncing his way around the yard.  Sticking his nose into the snow here and there...  But after an exciting day of exploring in the snow, it was time to come back inside to warm up and wind down for the evening.  Sharing a recliner for a nice, cozy nap is another of Roadie's favorite things to do!

Nap time!
Happy New Year everyone!