Saturday, July 21, 2012

Roadie Is Turning Two!

It has been awhile since I've posted an update for Roadie, so its about time!  He is still doing great, is somewhat spoiled, and he just turned two years old this month (July 2012).  He is very intelligent, and has grown into an affectionate, loyal and playful companion pet for our family.  I am happy that we rescued him on that hot, summer day a couple of years ago. I now know that anyone who discards a healthy "Ridgeless" Rhodesian Ridgeback pup just because it lacks the ridged back is in fact throwing away a chance to have a wonderful pet, and possibly is judging the animal unfairly and inhumanely!  Our Roadie is a great pet!

Roadie relaxing after finishing a treat (notice slobber marks on fabric).
He turned two years old this month!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I'm not currently a member, so if you would like to add a link to my blog about Roadie, that would be great. Thanks!
