Friday, December 10, 2010

October Update on Roadie...

Tennis anyone? Of course we play by Roadie Rules!

This game is called Teething Tennis...

Mid-October 2010:  Check up time at the vet.  Roadie weighed in at 24.7 pounds this visit, at approximately 3 months old.  With today's rabies vaccination, he is caught up on his shots until next year.  Yay!  Roadie has been a very well-behaved patient these past couple of months.  The vet thinks that Roadie still has quite a bit of growing ahead of him, as Rhodesian Ridgebacks can reach weights of up to 75 to 100 pounds!

Here they come with the camera again...


Hmmm.... Not sure that went over very well!

Okay, here's a "handsome dog" pose for you...

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