Saturday, December 4, 2010

First Trip To The Vet...

August 2010:  Roadie's first check-up at the vet's office went well.  He had gained a half pound over the weekend and was up to 4 pounds!  His vision was a little off in one eye. The vet said the poor little fella may have had a heat stroke, and with time, his vision may improve. We were told that Roadie appeared to be about six weeks old.  One of the veterinarian assistants said that Roadie looked like a Rhodesian Ridgeback, except he had no ridge on his back.

Roadie at 6 weeks old, weighing in at 4 pounds.
Roadie was getting his strength back and becoming more playful each day.  He was romping around, chewing toys, and enjoying all the attention!  By the end of that first week, we had decided to take him out on a leash and harness for a short walk.  He was a little shy at first, but seemed to enjoy exploring!  I read a little online about Rhodesian Ridgebacks.  From the info and puppy pictures I had seen to that point, he appeared to matched the descriptions, minus the ridged back. The ridge on the back is a patch of hair that grows in the opposite direction from the rest of the dog's hair.  Roadie has darker coloring on the hair down his back, but the hair is smooth.

Roadie playing with rope toy.

Roadie on his first "walk" after being rescued.

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